Posted in Banking, Fraud

There is a card in Monopoly that reads “Bank error in your favour” and which entitles you to keep the $200 wrongly credited to your account.   Banks can make errors.  Banks are also frequently the victims of fraud.  The result of this is often that a lucky customer’s account suddenly has a much larger balance.  However, unlike Monopoly, when this occurs, the bank will do all it ...

Posted in Defamation

The voicemail hacking scandal that brought down News of the World has raised questions about voicemail safety around the world. Gillian Shaw at the Vancouver Sun spoke to Lawson Lundell’s Marko Vesely to hear his thoughts on how these actions violate B.C.’s privacy act and Canada’s criminal code. Since then, the article has been picked up across the country in ...

Tags: privacy
Posted in Real Estate

A West Vancouver homeowner was recently dinged with a civil judgment for $97,000 for cutting down ten trees on his neighbour’s property.  This included a $35,000 award for punitive damages, one of the largest such awards in many years. 

The punitive damages were awarded because the defendant was reckless in determining the location of his property line.  He made no inquiry of ...


On December 19, 2010. I blogged about the decision in Bentley et al. v. Anglican Synod of the Diocese of New Westminster et al.  In this case, the British Columbia Court of Appeal found that parish assets are held by the Anglican parish corporations in trust for the purpose of “Anglican ministry”.  Specifically, the trust to is to further Anglican ministry in accordance with ...


In April 2006, B.C.’s Civil Forfeiture Act (“CFA”) came into force.  Seven Canadian provinces now have similar legislation. 

The CFA provides a mechanism for the government, through the Director of the Civil Forfeiture Office, to seek the forfeiture of the “proceeds of unlawful activity”.  Forfeiture is ordered by the Court when it is proven that property is ...

Posted in Fraud

A Vancouver realtor, Wilbur Roshinsky, was recently suspended by the Real Estate Council of B.C. for taking advantage of a 90 year old spinster suffering from dementia.  The realtor arranged to sell the spinster’s home to a developer for a price well below market rate.  CBC reports that the transaction was only caught and cancelled when the spinster’s lawyer learned of its ...

Posted in Banking, Commercial

At my in-laws recently, a rather overbearing friend of theirs was expounding to the gathered on the evils of banks and their obligations to provide anyone who wants one with a bank account.  Among other erroneous information, he opined that the right to have a bank account was inalienable and could not be denied by any financial institution.

Though it was not worth saying so at ...


The press is riddled with stories concerning perceived problems with the court system.  Various commentators say it is too slow, too expensive and procedurally unwieldy.  These concerns have led some to conclude that arbitration is a better alternative. Arbitration agreements do have risks which parties should understand before agreeing to an alternate form of ...

Posted in Defamation

This is the second installment of my blog updates. The first was on the legal wranglings of the sale of Liverpool F.C. This is on Twitter and pro athletes.

In the wake of Liverpool striker Ryan Babel tweeting on a referee and being charged and fined by his league for "improper conduct" enter England and the West Ham strike of Carlton Cole's tweets on the friendly game between ...

Posted in Commercial

A few months ago I posted on the legal intrigues surrounding the sale of Liverpool F.C.

I received a bunch of positive feedback and a significant amount interest on that topic. As you may recall, I also promised to update readers on the progress of the Hicks and Gillett lawsuit in the U.S. So, with that segue, here's what has happened…..

When we last left our tale, Hicks and ...


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This blog is authored by members of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department. We follow new and interesting issues emerging in the legal and business communities. The wide range of experience among the members of our litigation group will provide a diverse and insightful examination of current legal trends and topics. Our goal is to provide a source of valuable information and insight on a wide variety of matters for our readers.

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