Posts tagged Sports.
Posted in Civil Procedure

As a lifelong Canucks fan, I will never forget the video footage of Todd Bertuzzi tackling Steve Moore and the subsequent North American wide television coverage.  This incident was back in the news recently because Master Dash of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice ordered production of the Minutes of Settlement among Todd Bertuzzi, Marc Crawford (the former coach of the ...

Posted in Fraud

On July 23rd, ex-Fifa presidential candidate, Mohammad Bin Hammam (“MBH”) was banned from football related activity for life.  He is the most senior official to be banned by Fifa in its 107 year history.  For the uninitiated, Fifa is the governing global body for the sport of soccer.  A brief factoid:  Fifa has more members (208) than the International Olympic Committee; is ...

Tags: Fraud, Sports
Posted in Defamation

This is the second installment of my blog updates. The first was on the legal wranglings of the sale of Liverpool F.C. This is on Twitter and pro athletes.

In the wake of Liverpool striker Ryan Babel tweeting on a referee and being charged and fined by his league for "improper conduct" enter England and the West Ham strike of Carlton Cole's tweets on the friendly game between ...

Posted in Commercial

A few months ago I posted on the legal intrigues surrounding the sale of Liverpool F.C.

I received a bunch of positive feedback and a significant amount interest on that topic. As you may recall, I also promised to update readers on the progress of the Hicks and Gillett lawsuit in the U.S. So, with that segue, here's what has happened…..

When we last left our tale, Hicks and ...

Posted in Defamation

A few months ago on this blog, my colleague Marko Vesely posted an excellent piece on “Defamation and Libel Meets Twitter”.  For those of you who just want the “take-home”, the ultimate message remains the same - with every Facebook update, blog post or “tweet”, in the eyes of the law you are “publishing” and that makes defamation and libel applicable to you!  ...

Posted in Commercial

When Liverpool players take to the pitch, they are greeted by a chorus of cheers as tens of thousands of Liverpudlians sing “You’ll Never Walk Alone” - the Club’s theme. 

In the last 2 months, however, it was the form, tactics and results of lawyers off the pitch which had Liverpool supporters most vocal.  To try and do justice to football pundits, it would go something ...


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This blog is authored by members of the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department. We follow new and interesting issues emerging in the legal and business communities. The wide range of experience among the members of our litigation group will provide a diverse and insightful examination of current legal trends and topics. Our goal is to provide a source of valuable information and insight on a wide variety of matters for our readers.

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