Family trusts are commonly used in estate planning for families and family businesses. In this article, we introduce the concept of family trusts and highlight some benefits of using this legal tool for your estate planning.
1. What is a trust?
A family trust is a type of trust. A trust, unlike a corporation, is not a legal entity but is a relationship between the settlor ...
On July 3, 2019, we published the first in a series of articles that explore the value of family offices for high-net-worth Chinese families. In this second article, we will give a brief overview of the three most common structures for a family office: corporations, limited partnerships, and trusts.
A corporation is a legal entity that is separate and distinct ...
2019年7月4日,我们发表了系列文章的第一篇《高净值家庭的家族办公室(一) ——介绍》,以探讨家庭办公室对高净值中国家庭的价值。在这第二篇文章中,我们将简要概述家族办公室最常见的三种结构:公司,有限合伙企业和信托。
我们很高兴地宣布,逻盛律师事务所合伙人和中国业务组负责人杨明仁律师(Jack Yong)当选“加拿大最佳律师”(2020年并购法和房地产法)。
For high-net-worth families, asset management may be a constant headache given the multitudes of services often involved, including financial advisors, accountants, and administrative staff. Succession planning, too, is a common concern that requires extra attention and time. As such, an increasingly popular vehicle for these families to manage such assets is the ...