
Lawson Lundell LLP’s Vancouver office is one of the city’s leading business law firms handling projects and transactions in areas that are key to Canada’s economic growth, including natural resources, environmental and regulatory, mining, energy, and technology. The Firm is also recognized for our strong practice in litigation and alternative dispute resolution, labour and employment, privacy and data management, and Indigenous law. As a recognized leader in commercial law, our firm advises clients in the areas of: mergers and acquisitions, private equity and venture capital, corporate finance, banking and insolvency, real estate, pensions and employee benefits, technology transactions and tax.

The Vancouver office is also home to our Asia Pacific Group group that focuses on clients from Asian markets, particularly from China. The team has significant experience advising Asia Pacific based clients with strategic investments in the Canadian marketplace, as well as Canadian clients looking to do business in the Asia Pacific region.

The growth and success of our Vancouver office continues. In 2022, we were recognized as the second largest law firm in Vancouver by Business in Vancouver.

Suite 1600 Cathedral Place
925 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6C 3L2
f 604.669.1620
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