• Posts by Camille Chisholm

    Camille is a lawyer in the Litigation and Dispute Resolution Group, where she focuses primarily on commercial and real estate litigation. Camille acts for a variety of clients in breach of contract and negligence claims, in addition ...

Posted in Real Estate, Tax

In the cases referred to as Vavilov or the Trilogy – Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v. Vavilov, 2019 SCC 65 and Bell Canada v. Canada (Attorney General), 2019 SCC 66 – the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) clarified the framework for judicial review of administrative decisions. In the Trilogy, the SCC has ostensibly simplified the law by redefining the ...


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Our Real Estate Law Blog provides brief commentary on current legal trends and developments affecting your business. The topics addressed in Lawson Lundell’s Real Estate Law Blog are of interest to commercial real estate developers, real estate and strata agents, investors, landlords and tenants, as well as a variety of industry groups. 

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