The Province of British Columbia is taking steps to ensure that the applicable taxes are paid on assignments of pre-sale condominiums with the introduction of Bill 25 Real Estate Development Marketing Amendment Act, 2018. The goal of the legislation is to collect the applicable tax on such assignments and to generally discourage the assignment of such contracts and reduce ...

Thinking of purchasing a strata lot to rent out on the short-term market? If so, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the applicable rental restrictions.
The popularity of short-term rentals such as Airbnb continues to soar, making them an increasingly attractive revenue stream for potential property investors.

NOTE: The below article is a shortened version summarizing material information regarding the Empty Homes Tax. Click here for the full version including additional commentary and examples.
1. Vancouver’s new Empty Homes Tax became effective January 1, 2017.
Targeting the approximately 10,000 year-round empty and 10,000 under-occupied homes in Vancouver, homes ...

The City of Vancouver (the “City”) has issued a new corporate policy on Letters of Credit that sets out the requirements that must be met where applicants for City approvals are required to provide security to the City for development or non-development projects.
The policy provides that the City will not accept any form of cheque (whether certified or not) or bank draft ...

A recent decision of the BC Supreme Court demonstrates the difficulty of obtaining an order under Section 35 of the Property Law Act. The case will be of particular interest to developers who intend to rely on the Section as part of their development plans. Section 35 grants the Court authority to cancel or modify certain types of charges including easements, statutory rights ...
Earlier this year the BC Government introduced Bill 3-2015, the Building Act in an attempt to establish more consistent and standardized building requirements throughout the Province (with the exception of buildings located in the City of Vancouver and in or on mines).
The BC Government has explained that the Building Act proposes to:
- Streamline Building Requirements

Many land developers arrange to sell lots in a proposed development before the subdivision is completed. The vendor benefits from the promise of confirmed future sales and non-refundable deposits. Purchasers benefit from lower prices for purchasing early. However, what happens if the land development is delayed. Can a purchaser get a non-refundable deposit back?
The ...
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Our Real Estate Law Blog provides brief commentary on current legal trends and developments affecting your business. The topics addressed in Lawson Lundell’s Real Estate Law Blog are of interest to commercial real estate developers, real estate and strata agents, investors, landlords and tenants, as well as a variety of industry groups.
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