Posts tagged Property Law Act.
Posted in Real Estate

In an effort to slow a then-frothy residential real estate market, the Province adopted amendments to the Property Law Act on April 25, 2022 to establish a new homebuyer rescission regime in B.C. These amendments provide buyers of residential real estate with a mandatory “cooling-off period” following execution of a purchase agreement, giving them more time to ...


A recent decision of the BC Supreme Court demonstrates the difficulty of obtaining an order under Section 35 of the Property Law Act. The case will be of particular interest to developers who intend to rely on the Section as part of their development plans. Section 35 grants the Court authority to cancel or modify certain types of charges including easements, statutory rights ...


Whether a hedge is a fence matters because it can mean the difference between relief under the Property Law Act and the end of your ability to use a neighbour’s land. You might seek relief under the Property Law Act where you discover after many years, for example, that part of your drive way is actually on your neighbour’s property. Your neighbour now wants you to stop ...


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