Unprecedented. Have you heard that word a lot in the past 4-5 months? Not surprisingly, the word ‘unprecedented’ is the default word to describe society’s reaction to COVID-19, its effects on our healthcare systems, our behaviours, our compliance (or not) with government directives and guidelines, and the impact to our economy and economic well-being. This is, in ...
Since the start of the spread of COVID-19 in Canada, the federal and provincial governments have announced various programs and subsidies to help Canadian businesses survive in light of the challenges posed by necessary social distancing measures, as discussed in our previous blog post here. Despite recent announcements to respond to gaps in government programs for ...
New Blanket Orders
The CSA have announced further temporary relief from certain regulatory filings:
- for non-investment fund issuers, a 45-day extension for periodic filings normally required to be made between June 2, 2020 and August 31, 2020; and
- for investment funds, a 60-day extension for periodic filings normally required to be made between June 2, 2020 and September ...

The Canadian government, concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on corporate valuations, has issued guidance that it will pay particular attention to foreign direct investments of any value (meaning, even investments that are not subject to review under the Investment Canada Act (the “ICA”)). The government’s announcement does not amend the ICA, nor any ...
Canada’s federal and provincial governments have been taking significant steps to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Due to the various federal and provincial emergency orders implemented in response to COVID-19, certain businesses may not be able to fulfill their contractual obligations with various parties such as suppliers, purchasers, and ...

Due to the recent economic shock of the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses are considering various options to weather the economic shock. One commonly considered option is to ask existing creditors to forgive all or part of a debt. However, this strategy is subject to a complex regime commonly known as the “debt forgiveness rules”. These rules can trigger important ...

On April 21, 2020, the Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General of British Columbia issued a Ministerial Order (the “Order”) permitting electronic attendance at meetings (collectively referred to as “Corporate Meetings”) held pursuant to the Business Corporations Act, the Cooperative Association Act and the Societies Act (collectively, the ...
After the federal government’s initial rollout of its COVID-19 Economic Response Plan to provide economic measures to stabilize the economy (previously described in our blog post here), a number of voices from Canada’s business community have warned of program eligibility gaps and, in particular, that early and growth stage technology and innovation businesses ...
In light of challenges that B.C. businesses now face relating to the COVID-19 pandemic, the provincial government has approved new regulations that postpone the coming-into-force date for the requirement for private B.C. companies to create and maintain transparency registers from May 1, 2020 to October 1, 2020. The new regulations also expand the list of companies that ...
Businesses across all industries and stages of growth are facing unprecedented challenges during the COVID-19 crisis. In response, the federal and provincial governments in Canada are responding with an unprecedented combination of relief and stimulus programs for businesses aimed at minimizing layoffs, ensuring access to credit and liquidity, and deferring tax ...
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Lawson Lundell's Business Law Blog covers a wide range of topics relevant to businesses of all sorts, including corporate governance, corporate commercial law, corporate finance and securities, mergers and acquisitions, procurement, private equity and venture capital, intellectual property, and business taxation. Please also see our litigation, project law, China law, and real estate law blogs.
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