Environmental Law & Regulation in Alberta - Complying With The New Regulatory Framework


John Olynyk will co-chair and speak at The Canadian Institute's conference on Environmental Law and Regulation in Alberta. John will also be a panelist providing the legal perspective on "Aboriginal Issues & Project Development: Assessing the Effect of Regulatory Reform on First Nation and Métis Consultation in Alberta". 

JoAnn P. Jamieson will speak on "New Alberta Energy Regulator: Assessing the Impact on Industry" and address the following questions: 

  • What does the new regulator look like and how has the process for project approvals changed?
  • Does the new process allow for public engagement and to what extent?
  • How does the landowner registry apply to private surface agreements created before the new Act?
  • What is the status of Alberta’s provincial environmental assessment process under the new regulator?

The conference takes place on November 21, 2013 in Calgary, AB. For more information, click here. 


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