With rapid advances in technology and increasing scrutiny on privacy and data-protection issues, organizations are looking for guidance on how privacy and data-protection laws govern the way they do business with their customers and interact with their employees. In addition to personal information protection legislation that applies across the country, Canada has also enacted anti-spam and antispyware legislation, Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), which significantly impacts the distribution of commercial electronic messages and computer programs.
Members of our experienced Privacy & Data Management Group help clients navigate privacy and data governance considerations resulting from the collection, use, disclosure and maintenance of personal information. We provide advice to both private and public sector clients regarding access to personal information requests, dealing with privacy requests that arise in the course of corporate transactions or employee matters.
We draft and revise privacy policies specific to an organization’s needs and responsibilities and advise on compliance with privacy legislation including responses to requests for access to personal information and all aspects of electronic commerce.
We also provide advice upon and draft document retention policies that reflect the statutory requirements to retain documents.
Our clients operate in a range of industries, including technology, banking and finance, health care, natural resources, utilities and transportation.
Key Contacts
- t 604.631.9194
- t 604.631.6732