Lawson Lundell’s Power practice extends throughout Western and Northern Canada and into the Western United States. We have been involved in major electricity and alternative energy projects developed by private developers, Crown Corporations, Territorial Governments, and Local Governments. We have been involved in projects from the financing and project structuring phase, permitting and approvals, and ultimately to operations. Having been at the heart of the restructuring of BC and Alberta's electric industries, we understand the challenges and opportunities our clients face during periods of continued regulatory uncertainty.
Our experience includes a wide range of generation technologies including co-generation, gas, coal, nuclear, as well as renewable energy sources such as hydropower, biomass, wind, and solar. We have been involved in many major generation and transmission projects, distribution projects, as well as power marketing, market investigations, a myriad of power-related regulatory issues, and numerous cross-border deals and regulatory proceedings.
Our experience in the industry ranges from mergers and acquisitions, financing transactions, commercial structures, utility restructuring and reorganizations, power sale agreements, procurement, commercial litigation disputes and arbitrations, environmental assessments, international trade disputes and consultation with First Nations as well as all regulatory issues including rates, tariffs, terms of service and access to infrastructure.
We have extensive experience acting both for, and before, energy regulators such as the BC Utilities Commission, Alberta Utilities Commission (previously the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board), the Alberta Energy Regulator and the National Energy Board. We represent clients in regulatory proceedings in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, all three Northern Territories and before federal tribunals, as well as in proceedings that straddle multiple jurisdictions.
We act for a number of active market participants including the owner and operator of most of the electric power generation, transmission and distribution facilities in British Columbia, the industry association that represents the majority of oil and gas produced in Canada, an international energy supplier active in the wholesale and retail markets and multinational renewable energy project developers, including with respect to multi-faceted and highly specialized commercial, regulatory and litigation work involving multi-year rate design and revenue requirement hearings, facility permitting, system planning, transmission interconnection consultation with First Nations and market restructuring.
Key Contacts
- t 604.631.9115t 403.218.7551
- t 403.781.9458
- t 403.218.7517t 604.631.9296
- t 604.631.6756