
The members of Lawson Lundell’s Real Estate Litigation Group have collective experience in a myriad of real estate related litigation. The group has both prosecuted and defended a wide variety of claims related to land. These cases frequently involve the application of difficult areas of law and the use of a variety of experts. We provide advice and representation on a regular basis to international, national and local corporations as well as to individuals, financial institutions, tenants, commercial landlords, creditors, debtors and others in matters relating to real estate. Members of the group also advise and represent clients in civil and criminal claims related to contaminated site and other environmental matters.

The Real Estate Litigation Group also has extensive experience in providing advice and representation on property tax planning, negotiation of assessments with B.C. Assessment, negotiation of property tax issues with local government and provincial taxing authorities, and recovery of taxes through appeals to the Property Assessment Appeal Board.

Our priority is to provide quick, comprehensive and effective solutions to our clients’ problems, always with a view to matching the required resources to the particular client’s needs. This includes, where appropriate, recourse to alternative business and dispute resolution techniques.

The group assist strata corporations, developers and real estate agents with strata corporation windups and has successfully completed a number of strata corporation windups, including the first court approved windup in British Columbia.

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