The hospitality and tourism industries have undergone immense changes and continue to evolve in response to market pressures and globalization. Full-service hotels are facing competition from limited service product, brand extensions and international players. Airline and travel business failures, travel deficits, fluctuating travel budgets and security issues fill the media and significantly impact the industry.
Our Hospitality & Tourism Group understands how these challenges affect your operations and your legal needs. We advise and represent clients in all areas of hospitality and tourism, including:
Hospitality businesses and stakeholders – Hotels; resorts; tennis, badminton and golf clubs; marinas; restaurants; casinos; owners; hotel and resort management entities; brand entities and franchisors; franchisees; lenders; and investors.
Travel-related businesses – Travel operators (inbound, outbound, adventure and specialty), airlines, and travel service providers.
Clients benefit from our industry experience and legal relationships across Canada and other places your business may take you. When necessary, we draw on the strength of our firm’s other practice areas. Services include advising on and implementing:
- Corporate structuring
- Real estate and leasing
- Construction and Development;
- Insurance and professional liability issues
- Tax (income, sales, goods & services, harmonized, cross-border, goodwill and valuation issues)
- Permitting and licensing
- Labour, employment and human rights matters
- Business immigration
- Technology and Intellectual property
- Competition
- Franchising
- Environmental policies and management systems and other risk assessments
- Financing matters for lenders and borrowers
- REITS, income trusts and mutual fund trusts, as well as wind-ups and the consequent acquisitions and sales
Key Contacts
- t 604.631.6795