18 Lawson Lundell Lawyers Recognised by Chambers Global 2024

Chambers Global

Lawson Lundell is delighted to announce that 18 of our lawyers have been recognised by Chambers Global 2024 across eight practice areas. Congratulations to David Allard, Clara Ferguson, Bryan Gibbons and Reinhold Krahn for their newly obtained lawyer rankings. Our lawyers have earned Chambers Global rankings in the following categories:

Aboriginal Law

Brad Armstrong, KC (Band 3)

Keith Bergner (Band 1)

John Olynyk (Band 1)

Lana Shipley (Band 3)


David Allard (Band 4)

Dispute Resolution: Litigation

Craig Ferris, KC, FCIArb. (Band 3)

Energy: Oil & Gas (Transactional)

Paul Negenman (Band 4)

Energy: Power (Regulatory)

Jeff Christian (Band 1)

Clara Ferguson (Band 3)

Lewis Manning (Band 4)

Ian Webb (Band 4)


Brad Armstrong, KC (Band 1)

Clifford Proudfoot, KC (Eminent Practitioners)

Mining (International & Cross-Border)

Khaled Abdel-Barr (Band 3)

Chris Baldwin (Senior Statesperson)

Stuart Breen (Band 5)

Karen Macmillan (Band 4)


Bryan Gibbons (Band 5)


Reinhold Krahn (Band 5)

We are also proud to announce that the Firm has been ranked in five practice areas:

Aboriginal Law (Band 1)

Energy: Oil & Gas (Band 3)

Energy: Power (Band 3)

Environment (Band 3)

Restructuring/Insolvency (Band 6)

Chambers Global is the leading international legal directory. Covering over 200 jurisdictions around the world, their rankings identify and rank law firms and lawyers based on law firm submissions, client and peer feedback, and in-depth research by a team of dedicated researchers.

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