Energy Law Newsletter - Spring 2003
The following items can be found in this Energy Law Newsletter:
Editorial Comment
- U.S. Power Investigations (II)
- TransCanada Pipelines 2003 Tolls and Tariff Application
- TransCanada Pipelines 2001/02 Fair Return Application
- Potential Northern Pipelines
British Columbia
- B.C. Hydro "Heritage Contract", Stepped Rates and Transmission Access
- Georgia Strait Crossing Pipeline and Vancouver Island Generation Project
- Duke's Southern Mainline Expansion Project
- BC Gas Acquires Express Pipeline System, Considers Name Change to "Terasen"
- Accenture - BC Hydro Close Outsourcing Transaction
- ISO Transition
- Amendments to Gas Utilities Statutes
- Glacier Power Hydroelectric Project Denied
- ATCO Electric Applies to Construct a 3rd Transmission Line from Fort McMurray
Northwest Territories
- Inuvik Gas Ltd. Rate Proceeding
- NTPC GRA Phase II Hearing in April 2003
The Yukon
- Devolution Takes Effect in The Yukon
Feature Article
- New BC Legislation re: Coalbed Methane Rights