Laurie is a paralegal in the Calgary office of Lawson Lundell. Laurie joined the firm in 2022 as a Corporate Records Paralegal and has over 17 years of experience working in the corporate records department.
In addition, she has extensive experience in corporate law including, incorporations, amendments, dissolutions, extra-provincial registrations, revivals, reinstatements, continuances, trade name registrations, partnership registrations, limited partnerships, personal property registrations and searches and due diligence searches.
Laurie's responsibilities include:
- Conducting detailed minute-book reviews;
- Preparation of corporate resolutions and documents pertaining to incorporations and amendments;
- Preparation of annual maintenance package (including AB, Federal and extra-provincial);
- Updating the ALF to ensure registers accurately reflect the current directors, shareholders and officers;
- Personal property registrations and searches; and
- Due diligence searches
- CORES Level I, II and III (1998)
- APPRES (2007)