Linda Alexander is a paralegal in the Vancouver office of Lawson Lundell LLP. She joined the firm in 2010 and has over 20 years of experience working in foreclosure and insolvency.
Linda began her career as a legal assistant for six years in general practise, focused on the areas real estate, wills and estates, personal injury and labour law. She subsequently transitioned to working as a paralegal in the area of foreclosure and insolvency and has remained in this area of law ever since.
Linda’s responsibilities include:
- Review of security documents and title; issuance of demand letters; file management;
- Commencement of legal proceedings; preparation and service of all subsequent court applications;
- Assisting in any negotiations for payout or reinstatement of financial charges;
- Registration of related land title documents; and
- Communications with clients, opposing legal counsel and all other related parties.