
Nicole Steciuk is a paralegal in the Kelowna office of Lawson Lundell LLP.

Nicole has worked as a legal assistant for 30 years, 27 of which at the firm that merged with Lawson Lundell LLP in February of 2023, focusing in land development and commercial real estate, leasing and financing transactions. She has subsequently transitioned to working as a paralegal in these practice areas.


  • Drafting of Statutory Rights of Way, Covenants, Easements and all other documents related to small and large scale development projects;
  • Preparing consolidation, subdivision and strata plan applications for filing at the Land Title Office;
  • Review of title searches and registered non-financial charges;
  • Preparing loan documents when acting for lenders on commercial financing matters;
  • Preparing and filing of PPSA Security Agreements in the Personal Property Registry;
  • Drafting commercial leases;
  • Preparing Disclosure Statements, Amendments to Disclosure Statements and Consolidated Disclosure Statement; and
  • Communicating with clients, government bodies, surveyors and engineers related to subdivision matters.

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