

Bryan is a high-quality restructuring lawyer whose client base is composed of banking and financial institution clients. He is noted by sources for being "knowledgeable and practical with strong technical skills," and his  "responsiveness and attention to detail are exceptional." 

- Chambers Canada, 2023 Guide

In his over 30 years of practice, Bryan has regularly advised banking and financial institution clients with respect to loan restructuring, insolvency, realization and recoveries. In this capacity, Bryan is particularly adept at conceiving and implementing strategies for the recovery of defaulted loans and regularly advises banking clients in relation to significant portfolios of impaired loans.

Bryan has acted for Canadian Banks, specifically Bank of Montreal and HSBC Bank Canada, and private lenders in a wide range of insolvency matters including the completion and sale of an insolvent multi-unit development projects and bank employee fraud matters including the execution of Anton Pillar orders and Mareva injunctions, among many other matters involving debt restructuring, security realization, workouts, receivership and bankruptcy.

Bryan also acts for institutional lenders and other creditors with respect to reorganizations under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act and the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act. Bryan also acts for accounting firms in their capacity as bankruptcy trustees, receivers and monitors in reorganizations.

Bryan has represented various institutional lenders in diverse realizations from hotels and condominium developments to equipment dealerships and manufacturers. Bryan is also active in the firm’s Strata Property Wind-Up Group assisting strata corporations with wind ups pursuant to the Strata Property Act.

In addition, Bryan has also represented institutional lenders with respect to a variety of debtor fraud matters.

Bryan is the current practice group leader of the Insolvency and Restructuring Group. He is the past Chair of the BC Branch (Insolvency) for the Canadian Bar Association and a past Faculty member and Presenter for Continuing Legal Education (BC Law Society) respecting creditors’ remedies. 

Professional Activities

  • Canadian Bar Association, Insolvency Sub-section, British Columbia Branch, Past Chair
  • BC Insolvency Discussion Group, Past Executive
Bryan Gibbons, Lawson Lundell Photo
t 604.631.9152
f 604.669.1620
* Law Corporation

Assistant Contact

Bar Admissions

  • British Columbia (1991)


University of British Columbia (B.Comm., 1987)

University of British Columbia (J.D., 1990)

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